The Eclipse Card & Recap
Episode 4
O Hecate, you who unveil hidden truths, Illuminate the mysteries that lie beyond our sight,
Guide us through the labyrinthine paths of self-discovery,
And whisper the wisdom of the divine into our souls.
O Hecate, revealer of the unseen,
Help us confront the shadows within,
Lead us across the thresholds of transformation,
And reflect our true selves with unwavering clarity.
O Hecate, inspirer of curiosity,
Encourage us to embrace the enigmas of existence,
Provide sanctuary in times of solitude and reflection,
And bless our sacred spaces with your presence.
O Hecate, orchestrator of celestial cycles,
Teach us the dance of light and darkness,
Transform our spirits through your cosmic rhythms,
And renew our beings with the power of your mysteries.
Hail, Hecate, Triple-formed, ever-present guide,
In your light and shadow, we find our way,
In your mysteries, we are reborn.
The Veil: Symbolizing the boundary between the known and the unknown, urging us to seek deeper truths.
The Labyrinth: Representing the complex journey of self-discovery, encouraging us to navigate life's twists with trust.
The Oracle: Embodying divine messages and insights, reminding us to listen to the wisdom offered by higher powers.
The Shadow: Highlighting the darker aspects of the self, inviting us to confront and integrate them for personal growth.
The Threshold: Signifying points of transition, encouraging us to step confidently into new beginnings.
The Mirror: Reflecting the importance of self-awareness and truth, urging us to see ourselves clearly.
The Enigma: Embracing life's mysteries and puzzles, fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration.
The Sanctuary: Representing sacred spaces of refuge and reflection, reminding us to create and honor our personal sanctuaries.
The Altar: Symbolizing devotion and ritual, encouraging us to establish sacred practices that connect us with the divine.
The Eclipse: Represents the powerful moments of revelation and transformation that occur during celestial alignments.
The Crossroads Oracle is a deck created to use not only as a divination tool but as a way to develop a personal relationship with the Goddess Hecate.
This deck can be found at HecateBrimo.org.
All proceeds to go support the Sanctuary of Hecate Brimo.